Please contact us for a quote. New lower rates for 2024. All mattresses and box springs must be dry.
Below is an example of the effects of removing 5896 mattresses and box springs from a landfill:
This example shows how many cubic yards of landfill space is saved, how a landfill can utilize our recycling options, save precious landfill space, and add to their bottom line each year. This does not take into account the fact that some landfills charge a fee to the consumer to recycle mattresses and box springs that generates a new revenue stream and continues to increase their bottom line.
Mattresses/Box Springs per year 5896
Cubic yards of space 5022.52
Tipping Fee at landfill (est.) $40.00
Compacted cubic yard value (est.) $25.00
Cash value at the landfill:
$25.00 per compacted cubic yard x 5022.25
cubic yards of space $125,556.25
Tipping fee at scale $40.00 x approx. 350 tons $14,000.00
Total cash value at the landfill $139,556.25
Total Cost to recycle 5896 mattresses/box springs:
Cost to recycle 5896 at $5.00 each $29,480.00
Cost to transport 5896 units; 185 units per load
32 loads at $500.00 per load (est.) $16,000.00
Cost to transport and recycle 5896 units $45480.00
Net positive cash value for the landfill
per 5896 units recycled $94076.25
That is $94076.25 that the landfill can add to their bottom line each year!!That is 5022.52 cubic yards that can be sold again